CAGIS Virtual Seminar Series 10/28: Addressing land degradation challenges in southern Africa using technology and interdisciplinary approaches

Please join us Wednesday at 1:30 when we hear Dr. Narcisa Pricope from UNCW’s Socio-Environmental Analysis Lab talk about her strategies for conducting multiscale analyses in complex socio-ecological systems, such as those in the trans-frontier region of southern Africa. Dr. Pricope embraces the concept of “Big Tent” research, where collaborations tackle “wicked” problems (as defined by Rittel & Webber, 1973) with the hope of transcending disciplinarianism in order to discover unexpected or even surprising outcomes. These sorts of research framings are a promising way to resolve intractable problems. Needed are umbrella concepts like time and space (for which we have an array theory and analytical tools) to provide a thread by which researchers can integrate their efforts.