CAGIS Director talks urban growth for Sustain Charlotte’s “Grow Smart CLT” Series

The Center for Applied GIScience’s (CAGIS) Director of Research and Outreach, Dr. Douglas Shoemaker, talked urban growth to an ethusiastic gathering of Charlotteans as part of “Sustain Charlotte’s Grow Smart CLT” series. Held at Resident Culture Brewing Company in the Plaza-Midwood neighborhood, Shoemaker described the results of three studies: 1) an historical analyses of satellite imagery for the Charlotte Metro region 1976-2006; 2) scenario analyses of growth projection using the FUTURES model; and 3) his Dissertation, which counted environmental impacts associated with future growth.
CAGIS is a National and Regional source for land change analyses; including impacts to social, economic and environmental systems. Citations include:
Meentemeyer, Ross K., Wenwu Tang, Monica A. Dorning, John B. Vogler, Nik J. Cunniffe, and Douglas A. Shoemaker. “FUTURES: multilevel simulations of emerging urban–rural landscape structure using a stochastic patch-growing algorithm.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 103, no. 4 (2013): 785-807. Please see
Dorning, Monica A., Jennifer Koch, Douglas A. Shoemaker, and Ross K. Meentemeyer. “Simulating urbanization scenarios reveals tradeoffs between conservation planning strategies.” Landscape and Urban Planning 136 (2015): 28-39. Please see
Shoemaker, Douglas A. (2016). “The Role of Spatial Heterogeneity and Urban Pattern in Modulating Ecosystem Services.” Dissertation. Retrieved from
From Sustain Charlotte:
As Charlotte grows (44 people move here each day), it’s critical that we grow smarter. To help, we’ve launched a new monthly event series called Grow Smart CLT! These fun, yet informative events dive into the multiple sustainability challenges that Charlotte faces due to our rapid growth. Our first event featured Dr. Doug Shoemaker of UNCC’s Center for GIScience and Taiwo Jaiyeoba, Charlotte’s new planning director, discussing “What is Smart Growth?”. Special thanks to the Integrated Network for Social Sustainability for partnering with us on this event! #growsmartCLT