Research Funding

Current Grants

2023-2026, NCDOT, DeepPipe: Spatially explicit deep learning-based underground pipe prediction for urban stormwater management, ($404,403), [PIs: Wenwu Tang, Craig Allan, Shenen Chen]

2023-2024, EPRI, Subgrade corrosion mapping and utility interaction mapping in the United States, ($30,000), [PIs: Wenwu Tang]

2023-2024, USDA Forest Services, Mapping of mangrove inventory in Dominican Republic, ($49,773), [PIs: Wenwu Tang]

2024-2024, NIHHIS-CAPA, Heat Watch community science urban heat island (UHI) mapping campaign, ($19,500), [PIs: Katherine Idziorek, D.A. Shoemaker, Michelle Zuniga, and Matthew Eastin]

2023-2026, NSF, REU Site: Growing the canopy: A transdisciplinary model of undergraduate research and mentoring in an urban forest, ($385,098), [PI and participants: Sandra Clinton, Sara Gagne, Paola Lopez-Duarte, Leeanna Chapman, Craig Allan, Casey Davenport, Wenwu Tang, Nicole Barclay, Jacelyn Rice-Boayue, Adam Reitzel, Fushcia-Ann Hoover]

2023-2024, Public health region 4 wastewater surveillance (Supplement), Cabarrus County, ($366,165), [PIs: Cynthia Gibas, Jessica Schlueter, Mariya Munir, Wenwu Tang]

2023-2025, NSF, Residential mobility: Implication for the accuracy of disease cluster detection, ($393,930), [PIs: Eric Delmelle]

2022-2024, NCDOT, Evaluating primary and secondary roadway pavement conditions using deep learning, ($490,978), [PIs: Don Chen, Wenwu Tang, Christopher Vaughan, James Martin, Daniel Findley]

Previous Grants

2022-2022, UNC Charlotte School of Data Science, Understanding campus human movement pattern for COVID prediction through Wi-Fi log data modeling and analysis, ($15,000), [PIs: Lei Zhu, Wenwu Tang]

2020, Campus Green Initiative (CGI), Autonomous Monitoring of Campus Pollinator Populations, ($3,947.79) [PIs: D.A. Shoemaker, S. Gagne]

2021-2021, UNC Charlotte CARES Fund $104,875. GIS-based Analytics and Computational Modeling for the Monitoring of Covid-19 Outbreak via Wastewater Surveillance: Spatially Informed Decision Making Support, [PIs: Wenwu Tang, Srinivas Akella, Jacelyn Rice-Boayue, Eric Delmelle, Don Chen, Cynthia Gibas, Jiancheng Jiang, Taufiquar Khan]

2020-2021, EPRI, Subgrade corrosion mapping of steel, zinc, and copper in the United States, ($46,254) [PIs: Wenwu Tang]

2019-2019, EPRI, Utility Interaciton Mapping of the United States, ($15,200) [PIs: Wenwu Tang]

2018-2019, Charlotte Research Institute TRISP, Development of an integrated GIS-based Pavement Management System, ($53,152.50) [PIs: Don Chen, Wenwu Tang, Umit Cali]

2018-2018, EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute), A Spatial Decision Support System for Soil Corrosivity Mapping, ($45,502) [PI: Wenwu Tang]

2018-2022, USDA Forest Service (Santee Experiment ), Development and Operation of a Web GIS-enabled Data Management System for the Santee Experimental Forest. ($84,788) [PIs: Wenwu Tang].

2018-2021, NC Department of Transportation, DeepHyd: A Deep Learning-based Artificial Intelligence Approach for the Automated Classification of Hydraulic Structures from LiDAR and Sonar Data, ($396,989) [PIs: Wenwu Tang, Shenen Chen, John Diemer, and Craig Allan]

2018-2021, NSF Smart and Connected Communities,SCC: Building Safe and Secure Communities through Realtime Edge Video Analytics. ($2,080,229) [PIs Hamed Tabkhi, Arun Ravindra, Shannon Reid, Srinivas S Pulugurtha and Douglas A. Shoemaker]

2015-2020 U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) . $666,665 Healthy Wells (through NC Gaston County Department of Health and Human Services). (PIs: G. Silverman, E. Delmelle, and W. Tang)

2017-2018, NSF XSEDE Supercomputing Resource Allocation Award, Accelerating and enhancing multi-scale spatiotemporally explicit analysis and modeling of geospatial systems, (200,000 supercomputing service hours) [PI: Wenwu Tang]

2016-2018, Electric Power Research Institute, Atmospheric Corrosion Mapping, ($19,364+) [PIs: Wenwu Tang]

2015-2020 USDA Forest Services: Development and Operation of a Web GIS-enabled Data Management System for the Santee Experimental Forest. ($109,155) [PIs: Wenwu Tang].

2017-2017, Mooresville Soup Kitchen, Poverty Mapping for the Mooresville Soup Kitchen. ($1,260) [PI: Wenwu Tang]

2015-2016 UNC Charlotte, Light rail mapping and spatial analysis for faculty/staff and students at UNC Charlotte. ($12,000) [PIs: Wenwu Tang, Eric Delmelle, Elizabeth Delmelle].

2013-16 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. $294,154. SMART-SLEUTH: Augmenting the SLEUTH Urban Growth Model with New Smart-Growth Scenario-Building Capabilities. (PIs: W. Tang, J. Vogler, D. Shoemaker, and R. Meentemeyer, NC State University)

2011-16 USDA Forest Service. $99,755. Web-enabled Data Management System for Santee Experimental Forest. (PIs: W. Tang)

2012-15 North Carolina Department of Transportation. $287,189. Improvements to NCDOT’s Wetland Prediction Model. (PIs: S. Wang, S. Chen, W. Tang)

2012-14 North Carolina Forest Service (NCFS). $101,520. Assessment of Urban Forests for Water Quality. (PIs: W. Tang, C. Allan, S.Clinton, and R. Meentemeyer,)

2012-14 Renaissance Computing Institute. $50,000. Geographies of the Great Recession across North Carolina. (PI: R. Meentemeyer)

2011-16 National Science Foundation. $2,500,000. Interacting disturbances: leaf to landscape dynamics of emerging disease, fire and drought in California coastal forests. (PIs: D. Rizzo, M. Garbelotto, R. Meentemeyer [$840,262])

2010-13 National Science Foundation. $300,000. Hierarchical analysis of socio-ecological interaction in Charlotte metropolitan region: Can urbanization, forest, and working lands coexist? (PIs: R. Meentemeyer, Thill, J.C, Ribarsky, W., Wang, C., and BenDor, T)

2010-13 USDA Forest Service. $76,540. Re-measurement and analysis of long-term impacts of Phytophthora ramorum in mixed oak woodlands (PIs: R. Meentemeyer, J.H. Cushman, N. Rank, and D. Rizzo)

2010-13 USDA Forest Service. $163,439. Adaptive management of Phytophthora ramorum in the Big Sur Ecoregion: links between sudden oak death and fire. Continued measurements. (PIs: D. Rizzo and R. Meentemeyer [$67,256]).

2010-13 March of Dimes Basil O’Connor Starter Scholar Research Award. $150,000. Access to health care, timeliness of services, and costs among children with birth defects. (PIs: E. Delmelle, C.H. Cassell)

2006-12 National Science Foundation. $2,430,000. Sudden Oak Death: Feedback between a generalist pathogen, hosts and heterogeneous environments at multiple spatial and temporal scales (PIs: D. Rizzo, R. Meentemeyer [$800,640], M. Garbelotto, and C. Gilligan)

2008-12 National Science Foundation. $77,456. Impacts of sudden oak death tree mortality on severity of the Big Sur Basin Complex wildfire (PIs: D. Rizzo and R. Meentemeyer [$50,400]). Supplement to NSF EF0622771.

2009-12 Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation. $90,000. Modeling Historic and Future Urbanization in North Carolina (PIs: R. Meentemeyer, D. Shoemaker, J. Vogler)

2007-10 Renaissance Computing Institute. $1,433,336. Urban-suburban growth and impacts: integrating the power of GIS modeling and visual analytics (PIs: J. Michael, R.K. Meentemeyer, B. Ribarsky, and J.C. Thill)

2010-12 Renaissance Computing Institute. $900,000. Geospatial modeling and visualization of urbanization and impacts (PIs: J. Michael, R. Meentemeyer, B. Ribarsky, and J.C. Thill)

2005-09 USDA Forest Service. $851,437. Adaptive management of Phytophthora ramorum in the Big Sur Ecoregion. (PIs: D. Rizzo, R. Meentemeyer [$207,652], M. Garbelotto, and F. Davis).

2006-09 USDA Forest Service. $183,120. Optimization of management strategies for sudden oak death using epidemiological models and GIS technologies (PIs: C. Gilligan, R.K. Meentemeyer [$76,500], D.M. Rizzo)

2008-09 NC Wildlife Resources Commission. $15,000. Forecasting development in the greater Uwharries: Outcomes of status quo and conservation-based planning scenarios (PIs: R.K. Meentemeyer, D.A. Shoemaker, J. Michael, and A. Houck)

2008-09 USDA Forest Service. $30,000. Modeling the potential and actual distribution of Phytophthora ramorum in Oregon. (PI: R.K. Meentemeyer)

2005-09 CSU Agriculture Research Initiative. $390,000. Cellular automata modeling of the spread and impacts of an invasive forest pathogen (PIs: W. Mark and R. Meentemeyer [$195,425])

2007-08 Catawba Lands Conservancy. $63,480. Modeling the impacts of urban growth on natural and rural lands in the greater Charlotte area (1973 – 2030) (PIs: R.K Meentemeyer, D.S. Shoemaker, and J. Michael).

2006-08 USDA Forest Service. $121,018. Long-term study of disease dynamics and forest impacts caused by Phytophthora ramorum in northern California (PIs: J.H. Cushman, N.E. Rank, and R.K. Meentemeyer [$15,000])

2006-08 USDA Forest Service. $100,118. Early detection of the infectious forest disease sudden oak death. (PIs: R.K. Meentemeyer and W. Mark)

2005-08 USDA Forest Service. $541,876. Adaptive management of Phytophthora ramorum in the Big Sur Ecoregion. (PIs: D. Rizzo and M. Garbelotto, co-PIs: R. Meentemeyer [$75,174], F. Davis, and M.Moritz)

2005-07 USDA Forest Service. $57,660. Determination of the incidence and impacts of Phytophthora ramorum in coastal forests of California. PI: R. Meentemeyer, co-PIs: D. Rizzo and H. Cushman)

2006-07 Charlotte Department of Transportation. $85,000. MUMPO travel demand model updates to 2005. (PI: P. Smith)

2006-07 UNCC Parking Services. $2,400. GIS analysis of student/faculty/staff address locations. (PI: P.Smith)

2006-07 Carolina Raptor Center. $3,000. GIS analysis of bald eagle tracks. (PIs: P.Smith and R.K. Meentemeyer)

2005-07 USDA Forest Service. $160,000. Early detection survey of Phytophthora ramorum and assessment of central coast tree mortality and habitat suitability. (PIs: R. Meentemeyer and W. Mark)

2005-07 Environmental Protection Agency. $6,000. Regional vulnerability assessment. (PI: V.Bott, CAGIS subcontract via Urban Institute)

2005-07 American Forests. $24,150. City Green Pilot Project.(PIs: V. Bott, J. Chesser, Jr., P. Smith, R. Meentemeyer [$7,000]).

2005-07 UNC Charlotte Urban Institute. $7,000. GIS Analysis for Developing a Regional Vulnerability Assessment (ReVA) program and tools specific to the Charlotte region. (PI: P. Smith).

2002-06 National Science Foundation. $810,657 (DBI-0217064). Spatial modeling of a biological invasion: the spread of sudden oak death and the importance of host genetics, environmental forcings, and community structure (PI: R. Meentemeyer, co-PIs: H. Cushman, N. Rank, D. Rizzo, R. Whitkus)

2005-06 USGS. $23,380. UNC Charlotte metadata trainer project. (PI: P. Smith).

2004-06 U.S. Department of the Interior. $285,000. Early-detection, monitoring, and risk modeling of Phytophthora ramorum in California (PIs: R. Meentemeyer and W. Mark).

2004-06 USDA Forest Service. $151,000. Vertebrates as dispersal agents of Phytophthora ramorum. (PIs: H. Cushman and R. Meentemeyer)

2004-06 Nielsen Engineering and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. $42,000. Spatial association rule discovery (PI: R. Meentemeyer).
